• Question: your dog has a name of the dancer ashley banjo do you think your dog is fit and healthy like him?

    Asked by sunnyswagdon21 to Sarah on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      hey there!

      I’ve never heard of Ashley Banjo so I just googled him and I know who he is now. (I never really watched Britain’s Got Talent). I think my puppy is fit and healthy like him, but Banjo is far cuter than Ashley!

      I taught Banjo how to do a new trick, I may put a video on my profile of it because it is so awesome. I put my hands together like a gun and he sits down. Then I pretend to shoot him and he staggers over to my feet and then comically rolls onto his back and plays dead.

