• Question: why do deseises happen?

    Asked by madiya to Sarah on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Many reasons.

      A lot of diseases are related to things going wrong in the body. The human body is extremely complicated and the slightest thing can make you very ill. Like people that have diabetes and can’t process a lot of sugar – that’s just caused by their bodies not making one little enzyme anymore.

      Diseases are also caused by bacteria and viruses. The bacteria and viruses can evolve to be immune to our drugs and they can target all different parts of the body. They then infect it and this infection can be passed on from person to person by not washing your hands or bodily contact, or sometimes the pathogens can be airborne and this means that you can get sick by just being near the person.

      more and more there are diseases related to poor lifestyle choices like smoking, sun tanning, drinking alcohol and eating a lot of fatty foods. Like cancers and heart disease.

      Also age related diseases are becoming more common. This is because humans have never lived so long before so we’re discovering call kinds of diseases that come with age. Like dementia, arthiritis…

      I hope all this answers your question!
