• Question: What iz yur favourite animal

    Asked by cutiichick to Tim, Derek, Dalya on 15 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by maisha07.
    • Photo: Tim Millar

      Tim Millar answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      At Uni I studied the British freshwater crayfish and how it can survive out of water and how it copes with big change in pH in the water. I had to collect the from a pond in Lichfield at 2am with big divers torches and then take them back to the lab where we measured how much oxygen they used.

      They are amazing little animals and under threat from the big American crayfish which was brought to the UK to eat, but some escaped and are now bullying our local species!

    • Photo: Derek McKay-Bukowski

      Derek McKay-Bukowski answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Owls are nice. Last year, I was building a radio telescope in Hampshire. There were some owls nesting in a box on the side of one of the observatory buildings. The baby owl was so cute! We even took a couple of photos… which was very difficult as these birds are quite shy.
