• Question: how do you get spots?

    Asked by miniscientist to Dalya, Derek, Sarah, Tim, Tom on 19 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Tim Millar

      Tim Millar answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Spots quite often come from infections like bacteria and viruses.

      For Acne, the doctor can give antibiotics, but these are very strong, not for everyone and have to be taken for a long time, but they will be affective in removing the bacteria.

      Othertimes we have soreness or inflammation in the skin trough changes in hormones and how that affects the secretions we leave on theskin.

      Treatments can be effective and those with salycilate (aspirin like) can be quite effective, but always read the label and talk to your doctor if its a problem

    • Photo: Derek McKay-Bukowski

      Derek McKay-Bukowski answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I think that spots are infections… specifically infections in the pores of your skin. But I’m not sure… hopefully the biologists will answer this one for you!

    • Photo: Dalya Soond

      Dalya Soond answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Your sebaceous glands (pronounced sa-bay-shis) produce oil. These can get blocked up with dead skin, causing a spot. And sometimes the blocked gland then cannot clear bacteria that get trapped inside, which will cause those really horrible painful red spots. That’s why it is important to wash your face thoroughly every day and night, to get rid of dead skin that causes blockages.

      Teenagers often get more spots than other age groups because hormones that a[pear at that age increase the amount of ooil the sebaceous glands produce. You have more sebaceous glands on your face for every inch than you do on the rest of your bodyu which is why annoyingly it often springs up there. But it’s not the only place. I never had a single spot on my face as a teenager, but my back was absolutely covered in acne.

    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I can’t add any more to Dayla’s perfect answer! 🙂

    • Photo: Tom Crick

      Tom Crick answered on 19 Jun 2011:

      Perfect by Dalya!

      It must be frustrating, but try not to pick them!
