• Question: Have you ever faced ethical criticisms because you use mice to research on

    Asked by kiran05138 to Dalya on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Dalya Soond

      Dalya Soond answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Actually, I haven’t personally nor do I know anyone who has been criticised, but it definitely happens.

      I am sure I will encounter anger at some point in my future. When that happens, I will try to listen to the concerns of the criticiser with an open-mind. I will try to explain why I feel animal work is important, but I will also take on board any concerns they may have that are valid and well-informed.

      There is always room to improve what we do in science, including with animals. I try to keep the number of animals I use to a bare minimum and make sure my experiments are designed well in the first place so I do not have to repeat them a million times.
