• Question: What is the hardest thing about science ??

    Asked by aiishii to Dalya, Derek, Sarah, Tim, Tom on 19 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Sarah Thomas

      Sarah Thomas answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I think the hardest thing about science is that there is just so much to learn! Science is everywhere and as scientists we are expected to know a lot of things from the creation of the universe to the atoms and molecules involved in a certain disease!

      But you can’t be an expert in all things, and that’s why as you study science you end up specialising in a certain field. Usually the bit that you find the most interesting!

      The second hardest thing about science is maths! I hate maths….

    • Photo: Derek McKay-Bukowski

      Derek McKay-Bukowski answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Different things are hard for different scientists. For some, the mathematics is challenging. Others find working with computers a chore. Sometimes it is trying to understand something that is really weird (like quantum mechanics). Sometimes it is trying to make that critical breakthrough and come up with a new idea.

    • Photo: Dalya Soond

      Dalya Soond answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      For me, it’s not having enough time to do all the experiments I want to do.

    • Photo: Tim Millar

      Tim Millar answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Persuading the person who will give you the grant money to continue your work that you are the best person in the world to do it and that it can be done on a shoestring budget with both hands tied behind your back.

    • Photo: Tom Crick

      Tom Crick answered on 19 Jun 2011:

      I agree with Tim: not having enough funding/resources/time to do the things you want to do with your research.

      In a more general sense, science is as hard as any other subject, it just depends on what you are interested in.
